Meet Carin

Carin Levine Ehrenberg is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City. Over the past 25 years, Carin’s career has involved both working with her clients as well as serving as a community leader and social justice advocate across an array of organizations. Carin is an active board member of Athlete Ally, whose mission is to create a more inclusive environment in sport and activate the athletic community to use their power and platform to champion LGBTQ equality. At Athlete Ally, Carin is on the Executive Committee and leads the Programming Committee.

Carin has also been a leader in youth sports, including serving as President and current Executive Board member of Greenwich Village Little League (GVLL). GVLL annually provides year-round baseball and softball programming for 1,000+ players ages 4 to 16. Further, Carin has worked to protect and champion youth sports in New York City through her Board involvement at Pier, Parks and Playground (P3), a non-profit organization advancing opportunities for children living in downtown Manhattan to play sports. In addition to her leadership in youth sports, Carin has focused on diversity and advocacy work as a volunteer at New York City independent schools’ LREI and Poly Prep Country Day, where she served on and led parent committees that focused on diversity, community and social justice. At the University of Michigan, Carin served for seven years on the School of Information Advisory Board, has served for four years on the School of Education (SoE) Dean’s Advisory Council (where she serves as a leader of the SoE’s Capital Campaign), and also supports Athletes Connected, which provides mental health support and psychoeducation to the players, coaches and staff of Michigan Athletics.

Carin, along with her husband Roger, are also active supporters of The Human Dimension at the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, which places students in the field and focuses on the Social Determinants of Health, as well as the personal, economic, and environmental determinants. Carin and Roger are also politically active in local, state, and national politics.

Dr. Levine Ehrenberg received her Ph.D. in Child and Clinical Psychology from St. John’s University and her B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan (‘88). Carin and her husband Roger Ehrenberg (‘87) are proud parents of two Wolverines, Andrew (UMSI ‘19) and Ethan (UM Ross ‘22).